Be yourself


The Daily Distaste

As Suzanne wrote, everything is bad...not everything but almost everything! I found out couple days ago that I will have to take horrible exams from math. It wont be just one!
The good news is I have days off next week...I will have to babysit my sister´s dogs next weekend so I will have the strenght for it after those days off which is great. Otherwise I would have to kill them..what a nice positive sentence to end with:)


On duty


We've oficially begun studying at university and feeling desperate. Almost every day we get up at 6am. That's the worst thing I'm not able to manage. I'm asking myself "why?". I'm not going to write everything here because I have no time for it and don't really feel like complaining.

All I want to say is I don't regret anything. So far.
