Be yourself


What´s the most beautiful place when you are young?? Your own place!

That´s right! Tomorrow is our first night in our flat! There will be just me and Suzanne because the other girl is not ready to move. So you can visit us everybody is invited:) I suppose we will spend whole weekend decorating our new will be fun! There is a lot of empty space..And we need to built our new wardrobe from Ikea, that will be funny! We´re lucky that Suzanne´s mom is coming to help us otherwise we would have our clothes in boxes till Christmas:)) No, it wouldn´t be so bad we´re skilful ladies and we have dexterous hands!

I add some pictures of my new stuff from the States...:)

I was so lucky I didn´t have too much that case I would have to buy my own plane for the trip back!!

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