Be yourself


Hey everybody!

So I am writing our FIRST post! It should be festival or something but the saddest thing is, that it is NOT. To say the truth, I was made to do it! If you know Zuzka, you know what I am talking about! If I would not do this, she would not let me sleep for days ... (months)
No, I am kidding! :o) I am unbeliveably pleased we have decided to make our OWN blog! At least, something is really ours! (meaning we might not find our, JUST our rented flat - but of course we will!! :)

The next reason why I am so excited is, that I can show my deviation for fashion and nobody will shout at me "OMG stop! I dont want to hear your stupid comments about neccesity of having the new coach purse." Ok, it is not usually like this, people usually at least pretend they are interested in my "coach issues"

But I have to go now because I am starving for hours! But we had to discuss very serious problems about our NEW BLOG with my chill-out (jazz) friend Zooza:)

Your dearest Kate


Kate+Suzanne said...

hello my friend!

What a wonderful post! I dont force you to write anything! Well ... in fact, I force you but ... you know ... heh ... anyway, I like the photo! seems like you have big boobs :oD

I will write my post tomorrow, I suppose.

Bye for now,

Kate+Suzanne said...

hmmm ..
but it really does SEEM, trust
me! :D:D
you just need to know what a shirt with stripes can create :o)
I am COURIOUS to read your post babe:)


Kate+Suzanne said...

Oh yeah ... t-shirt with stripes can create what God forgot to :o)

Just curious? Be afraid, be very afraid! :oD

Sweet dreams,

Anonymous said...

Panuje tu úžasná nálada, připadám si jako v Anglii, tak vám to holky nerad kazím tou češtinou :) Budu se moc těšit na další příspěvky :) Dík Adam

Anonymous said...

Hi Adam!

You are our first visitor! :-D So you can practice and improve your English with us :-) Thank you for your comment!

We look forward to your next comments!